Gardens Display Campaigns

Integrated(Creative - Media) || Client: Gardens by the Bay


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Orchid Extravaganza - “Our Singapop”

Role: Junior Art Director


Singapore can be seen as a nation that is dull and devoid of culture. In 2018, Timeout’s City Index ranked Singapore as the 31st out of 32 Mose exciting cities, scoring as the “worst city for culture”. But that’s not entirely true - rather, we’ve become desensitized to what’s familiar ; eventually losing appreciation for the things that uniquely represent Singapore’s culture.

Culture in Colour where Wonder Blooms

On Singapore’s 55th National Day, we reignite the appreciation for Singapore’s cultural icons again by making these familiar icons pop with a splash of colourful orchids at Gardens by the Bay.

We bring this to life through pop-art, and a contemporary take on the traditional inkblot test, highlighting the beauty of the orchids’ symmetrical nature.

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2021 Floral Theme

Role: Art Director


The exhibition plans for 2021 brings the usual floral displays at the Flower Dome to the next level. Therefore we’re positioning these displays as re-imagined worlds - ones that are fresh, familiar or even long-lost.


Journey to Reimagined Realms where Wonder Blooms


Above: The Story

Visual Approach

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When you enter Gardens by the Bay, it’s like you’ve entered a different world - from the grandeur and vastness of the Cloud Forest, to the colours of the flowers and even the lights of day and night.

We bring the Reimagined Realms to life through various camera effects, amplifying the realms within the portal, enticing you to join in on an adventure from a different time, with flowers beautifully paving a way for you to enter.

Looking ahead, you will catch a glimpse of what lies beyond the gateways - the fantasy worlds that await you with their unique stories to tell.

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Gardens by the Bay - FIT Brand Campaign


Brand's Lutein Essence